Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Solar Works!

Launched in January 2007 the California Solar Initiative is an attempt to push photovoltaic on a mass scale in California to help cut greenhouse gas emissions and shore up the states energy supply. The $3 billion program offers rebates to Californians who install panels on their homes and business. Incentives do vary. But refunds typically range from 20% to 50% of a system’s cost. The incentives are structured to decline over time as demand grows, Californians who act sooner will get the biggest refunds. Rooftop solar panels will get even more attractive in January. Congress recently expanded federal investment tax credits for residential solar arrays. Starting next year, homeowners will be eligible for tax breaks of up to 30% of the entire cost of the solar panel project. For example, the total you spent on a system is $30,000 after the rebate you’ll end up paying $17,000. Some benefits had previously been capped at $2,000 per system. So now is the time to invest on something to help our environment. The sooner you act the better. Plus your house or business will go up in value.

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